Télécharger le CFW rogero 3.55 dex V2

Posté dans : Firmwares, PS3 | 0






Voici en téléchargement le CFW rogero DEX en version 3.55.


V2 :

– Peek/Poke Support

– LV1 Checks are patched to bypass syscon hashes mismatch while switching FWs. (This will avoid some bricking too)

– installation of Retail and pseudo-Retail packages on DEX.

– running unsigned applications.

– installation on consoles with broken Blu-Ray drive.

– Downgrader feature from 3.55+ DEX back to 3.55DEX ( This is the same as the original 3.55DEX-Downgrader )



Cliquez ici pour télécharger le firmware.



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